I created chalkboard animations for Mozilla Foundation, as part of their leadership curriculum. I co-directed with live-action director Chun-Ling Ho, and to complement my art-direction and illustration work, we brought in motion animator Kunal Sen, and typographer Ben Weeks.
Video #1 : Mozilla and working open - Mark Surman
Mark Surman, Executive Director of Mozilla, tells us about the history of Mozilla and Firefox, and what it means to "work open."

Big companies take notice of the web.

The call themselves "Mozilla".

Competion is good, we love competition.

Nobody had done anything like that before.

Be part of the solution.

We've seen that work time and time again.
Video #2 : Participation Basics - Abigail Cabonoc Mayes
Abigail discusses the fives steps to participate in open source projects.

Here are five steps to help you

Events like Mozfest or Codesprints

Learn and share about a topic

It helps if you now what you are excited about

That's often called a 'good first bug'